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Waste Management

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1.1 Waste Management Methods & Principle

What is Waste Management System?

Waste management, often known as waste disposal, refers to all of the activities and procedures necessary to manage waste from its inception through its final disposal. This covers, among other things, garbage collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal, as well as monitoring and regulation. It also includes the legal and regulatory framework for waste management, including recycling guidelines, among other things.

Waste management is to reduce the hazardous impacts of such garbage on the environment and human health. Municipal solid waste, which is generated by industrial, commercial, and home activity, accounts for a significant portion of waste management.

Waste Management Principles

1. Waste Hierarchy

The waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs" of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, which classify waste management solutions based on their attractiveness for waste minimisation. The waste hierarchy is the foundation of most waste reduction programmes. The waste hierarchy's goal is to get the most practical value from items while producing the least amount of final garbage. The waste hierarchy is depicted as a pyramid because the main concept is that regulations should encourage waste prevention initiatives. The following stage, or desired action, is to seek alternate uses for the waste generated, i.e., re-use. The following step is recycling, which includes composting. This is followed by material recovery and waste-to-energy.

The final step is disposal, either in landfills or incinerated without energy recovery. This is the last alternative for garbage that has not been avoided, diverted, or retrieved. The trash hierarchy depicts the progression of a product or substance via the waste management pyramid's consecutive stages. The hierarchy represents the latter stages of each product's life cycle.

2. Life-cycle of a product

The life-cycle begins with design and continues through manufacturing, distribution, and main use, as well as the waste hierarchy's stages of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Each stage of the product's life-cycle provides chances for policy intervention: reconsidering the product's need, redesigning to reduce waste potential, and extending its usage. Product life-cycle analysis is a method of optimising the use of the world's finite resources by preventing waste formation.

3. Resource Efficiency

Resource efficiency expresses the realisation that current production and consumption patterns cannot sustain global economic growth and development. Globally, humanity depletes more resources than the world can replace. The decrease of the environmental impact from the manufacture and use of these items, from final raw material extraction to ultimate use and disposal, is referred to as resource efficiency.

4. Polluter Pays

The polluter-pays principle states that the polluting party is responsible for the environmental impact. In the context of waste management, this often refers to the obligation that a waste generator pay for the proper disposal of unrecoverable material.

Waste Management Methods

One of the most efficient and well-known methods of waste disposal. It is beneficial since the recycled materials are employed as raw materials in the creation of a new product.
Composting is another well-known process that converts organic material into nutrient-rich compost or soil. In a large-scale breakdown, the waste gas produced—methane—can be used as a home fuel. Construction waste can be recycled and repurposed as a road-laying material.

It is one of the most widely used waste management methods in the world. The landfill site must have correct layering and varied levels to avoid destroying the soil and polluting the subsurface and other local water sources. As waste accumulates in a landfill, even biodegradable organic waste may become trapped in the centre, where it will take much longer to breakdown.

The risk originates from contaminated water flowing through garbage and combining with other sources. Waste decomposition emits methane into the atmosphere, which is highly flammable and hazardous; landfill fires are widespread.

The landfill concept was to compact waste and then fill the top layer with soil, which could subsequently be converted into open ground, but this has not occurred in India, and even the essential bottom layer for environmental protection is lacking. The garbage-burning engine emits harmful fumes into the air, contaminating it, and causing diseases in the local population.

The slums that have grown up near the country's landfills, working as garbage pickers and collectors, managing waste at the dump site, are the most disadvantaged because they are exposed to numerous pollutants and are even devoid of drinkable water due to the proximity to the landfill site.

With the help of bacteria, waste can be turned into non-toxic goods. Microbes and bacteria aid in the removal of pollutants, poisons, and toxins from the environment.

Incineration, anaerobic digestion, gasification, and pyrolysis are all part of it. Gasification and pyrolysis processes require high temperatures to heat in the absence of oxygen to prevent combustion, and the gases produced must be cleaned. Incineration generates ash and gases, which must be managed because they pollute the air. In Japan, modern incinerator plants with rigorous emission standards and garbage transportation are available. In India, the situation is completely different, as the majority of the facilities have not functioned successfully due to operational issues. One of the most important criteria for plants is proper waste segregation, which is absent. Then there are seasonal differences in the type of garbage generated in families.


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Waste Management-FAQ

Q1. What is solid waste management?

Ans. An integral part of solid waste management is collecting, treating, and disposing of solid wastes. Wastes are collected from different sources and disposed of in the waste management process. These steps include collection, transportation, treatment, analysis, and disposal.

Q2. What is the importance of waste management?

Ans. In addition to reducing waste's impact on the environment, health, and so on, waste management can also help reuse or recycle resources, such as paper, cans, glass, and so on. Waste management consists of disposing of solid, liquid, gaseous, and hazardous materials.

Q3.What are the benefits of waste management?

Ans. Several benefits of waste management are.

  • Reduce Waste in Landfills
  • Reduce Greenhouse Gases
  • Reduce Pollution
  • Reduce the Cost of Waste Disposal
  • More Job Opportunities
  • Boost Company Reputation

Q4. What are the types of solid waste Management?

  • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW
  • System of waste stabilisation
  • Hazardous Wastes
  • Industrial Wastes
  • Agricultural Wastes
  • Bio-medical Wastes
  • Waste Minimization

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